About the Event: Clipa Visual Theater - Forever/Never FOREVER/NEVER is a new site-specific project by Clipa Theater, moving on the diminishing borderline between visual art, dance and performance, offering a passage through hauntingly attractive and deceiving images of beauty and violence. FOREVER/NEVER examines the attraction towards representations of violence. http://foreverneverblr.tumblr.com/ Clipa Theater was established in 1995 in Tel Aviv by dancer and director Idit Herman (Israel) and actor-creator-musician, Dmitry Tyulpanov (Russia). Their encounter and partnership led to the emergence of a unique theatrical language, interweaving the arts of theater, dance, design and music. The theatrical style synonymous with Clipa is characterized by a totality encompassing each and every element of the performance. It entails absolute knowledge and command of all the elements of creation: movement, space, costume, set, sound, lighting and direction. In the group's work, these components are fundamental tools of expression alongside the performer's action on stage. Clipa Theater's performances are not driven by plot. Instead, surprisingly simple means are used to create rich theatrical images, which envelope the viewer's senses and lead a lyrical, thematic thread throughout a performance.