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Fresh Paint Art Fair

Fresh Paint Art Fair

& Private Lecture with Russian/Israeli Artist, Evgeny Svyatsky

From the Leading Contemporary Art Group in Russia, AES+F

About the Artists: AES+F

AES+F is a group of four Russian/Israeli Jewish artists: Tatiana Arzamasova (1955), Lev Evzovich (1958), Evgeny Svyatsky (1957), and Vladimir Fridkes (1956). The group was formed in 1987 as AES by three artists: Tatiana Arzamasova, Lev Evzovich and Evgeny Svyatsky. Photographer Vladimir Fridkes joined the group in 1995, and the name of the group changed to AES+F. The collective lives and works in Moscow.

AES+F group focuses on photography, photo- and computer-based art, and video art, as well as using other traditional media such as drawing, painting and sculpture. Their works have been exhibited at numerous international exhibitions: (namely the biennales of Venice, Lyon, Sydney, Gwangju, Moscow, Gothenburg, Havana, Tirana, Istanbul, Bratislava, Seoul etc.), ARS-06 (KIASMA, Helsinki). Their works appear in the collections of some principal Russian national museums including The State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow), The State Russian Museum (St.-Petersburg), Multimedia Art Center (Moscow), as well as other European collections including Moderna Museet (Stockholm) and Center Pompidou (Paris).

The group's video "Last Riot," shown at the 2007 Venice Biennale, depicts an imagined future digitally manipulated where snow capped mountains sit next to desolate beaches, neon dragons rest atop oil platforms, planes collide without flames, and a band of attractive teens enact violence on one another without consequence. Their 2009 work "The Feast of Trimalchio" featured at the 17th Sydney Biennale. In 2011 AES+F presented a new project, Allegoria Sacra, shown in Multimedia Art Museum Moscow as a special project of 4th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art.

AES+F is showing the central art project for the Fresh Paint Art Fair, their Liminal Space Trilogy (the Star Wars of Video Art), as a nightly outdoor projection.

About the Art Fair: Fresh Paint

Fresh Paint art fair is Israel’s pre­mier annual art event, fea­tur­ing the nation’s lead­ing con­tem­po­rary art gal­leries, pre­sent­ing inter­na­tional and local pro­grammes of artists. While main­tain­ing a high level of artis­tic qual­ity, the fair includes young, promis­ing gal­leries, and the unique Green­house — show­cas­ing the works of 50 select, inde­pen­dent, emerg­ing Israeli artists. Fur­ther Fresh Paint offer­ings are the Most Promis­ing Artist award win­ner show, pre­sented by the Igal Ahouvi art col­lec­tion, the Sotheby’s “Under the Ham­mer” note­wor­thy inde­pen­dent artist’s work, a selec­tion of spe­cial projects and com­mis­sioned works, the fair’s com­mu­nity projects and fund-raising activ­i­ties, and the Fresh Paint Salon, sup­ported by Out­set — an edu­ca­tional pro­gram of lec­tures, talks and encounters.

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